In recent times, cases of anxiety, depression and suicide are much seen among youngsters and even in child. They fail to handle the worst situations in their lives and take negative steps. Do u ever think why it is happening? One of the major cause is lack of self-confidence, courage and patience. Yes, if as a mother/ father you raise a confident child you will be able to minimize such incidents in your family and society as well. So, today I am going to share my ideas about how to raise confident child.
Few Ideas on How to Raise Confident Child
• Stop Spoon Feeding: Many of the parents do spoon feeding with their kid so as to show their love and affection. Actually, parents become overprotective and involve in all tasks to make it easier for their kid. But it will develop dependency in your kid and it becomes difficult to raise confidence.
• Develop Curiosity: Teach your kid new things everyday by storytelling, games, inspirational talks, giving them exciting tasks etc. It will make them curious each and every day and build confidence to do something new.
• Let Your Child Face Challenges: Life is not so easy; sometimes good sometimes bad. It is challenge and you have to teach your child to face the challenge happily. Prepare them to deal with adversity alone in a strong manner. Right from childhood start giving some responsibility and let them handle it in their own manner.
• Encouragement and Appreciation: Encouragement develops perseverance and it finally leads to success. Every parent should encourage the child on all small tasks performed by them. They should help them to follow their passion and always appreciate to go further. Even if your kid is not able to do things or become unsuccessful in any task you should try to kill the feeling of failure and give an applaud that “My child you can do it”, “you are talented enough” “No matter you fail, just keep on trying you will get success soon” “I believe in you, you are very strong and confident”. Saying such lines to your kid make them feel confident and helps you to raise confident child. But some parents starts saying “what you have done, is it the way to do”? “You can’t do it, just leave”? “You are good for nothing” etc. This is really very miserable if parents are treating their child in this manner.